Associate Professor of viral immunology, Dr Byram Bridle explains that the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine just before the COVID vaccines were introduced. By their new definition it means that yogurt could now qualify as a vaccine! You can’t make this shit up!

@sonyapizz @ReginaWatteel The new definition may have accidentally classified Vitamin D as a vaccine as well.

@print3_d @sonyapizz Preceded by the new definition of "Pandemic"
Complemented and supplemented by the new definition of "Herd Immunity"
ALL courtesy of GAVI, BMGF, and Bill Gates himself.

@sonyapizz Bill Gates ended up "sad" for Omicron doing a better job as a vaccine than his own...
We may add yogurt to the list of 'vaccines' doing better than Big Pharma's.

@sonyapizz It never was or will be a vaccine. It is snake oil in a vial. Just like in the wild west days

@sonyapizz They changed definition of pandemic to be able to make it fit into their evil pheekn plan

@sonyapizz It would be accurate that the COVID jab is a gene therapy. The CDC changed the definition. But I also noticed about 10 years ago they wanted children to get a DPT booster, and also tried to pimp it on adults to get it. CDC/BF/Pfizer want annual boosters to generate income.
Regulated under the informed consent laws for Gene Therapy, not for a vaccine…. they’ve obviously been lying from the start, but the definition changing is rather heinous.